Some preschools organize overnight events, such as an overnight at the school or a campground, and you may write about your child's reactions after one of these events. You may of course speak to the teachers directly instead of writing in the renrakucho. In this scenario, an overnight has been held at the preschool.
You may choose whether or not you wish to write about your child's attitude or your own feelings before the event. Since an overnight is a major school event, it would be appropriate to thank the school.
The following model contains two "Thanking the School" sections, but you may choose to include just one of them. Also, if you wonder whether your child cried during the night, had any trouble using the bathroom, or was able to sleep well, you should feel free to ask the school about things like this.
Conversational flow and useful expressions
Thanking the school 1
Parent's feelings (before the event) (optional)
Asking about concerns (optional)
Child's attitude and parent's impressions, etc. (after the event)
Thanking the school 2
Parent's name
「お疲れ様でした」(otsukaresama deshita) is used to thank teachers for everything they have done, and also to express appreciation for the energy and effort they have expended. 「苦労様でした」(gokurosama deshita) has a similar meaning but may at times sound condescending and even rude, so it is probably best to avoid using it.