There is no obligation for a parent to write in a renrakucho notebook (although some schools do ask you to write in a renrakucho every day if your child is under 3). With some matters it is better to talk to the teachers directly than to write in the renrakucho. Things you should not write about in the renrakucho notebook. Whether you use a renrakucho or talk by phone or in person, the most important thing is to communicate with teachers.

How to communicate: in writing or in person?

First, you should consider what you want to talk to the teachers about and decide whether the renrakucho is the right choice. For example, it is better to speak directly with teachers when asking about which items your child should bring to school. You might be shown actual examples of the items. Also, when you wish to discuss concerns with teachers, it is better to talk to them directly so that they can deal with the problem along with you.

What do you wish to write about?

Consult the main page of this website and choose the topic closest to your area of interest. If your situation is one that involves children under 3 years of age, refer to 0・1・2歳児さいじ連絡帳れんらくちょう, or "Renrakucho notebook for 0/1/2-year-olds".

Next, choose the most relevant model. The models are designed for intermediate-level Japanese users and sorted by frequency of situation. Read them and their translations (English, Chinese or Korean), and choose the model that is most appropriate for your needs.

Writing in the renrakucho

Write a renrakucho message based on the model you choose. Change words and names according to your situation. If you are not comfortable using kanji (Chinese characters), you can write using only kana (hiragana or katakana) or romaji (the Latin alphabet); for this purpose, every sample has furigana (kana) readings of kanji characters. What if I'm not good at writing Japanese?

Read the "Conversational flow and useful expressions" sections and select phrases that suit your needs. You may also refer to the "Useful expressions" link. Useful expressions